Speaking of which we need to do another London meet soon.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
Who on this site have you met...
by besty injust noticed the other thread about who you'd like to meet - how about this one for those you have met.. prolly going to miss a few but here goes:.
sweet pea.
snow queen.
Mickey mouse
I watched the opening ceremony but I'm not interested in the sports. I prefer the winter Olympics.
Convention food tickets for sale on eBay
by slimboyfat init really is amazing the things that seller kenyakelly gets a hold of, a constant stream of the most rare watchtower items.
and can anyone remember what was the significance of the different colours?.
Mickey mouse
I think the different colours were for different days. Ah the days of bacon butties and food service :-)
Mickey mouse
What no question mark?
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet?
by moshe ini received my nexus 7 tablet a week ago and have really been using it a lot.
i am still figuring what apps i need, like a file manager app.
one feature that is much appreciated is using voice navigation on google seaches with the native chrome browser- my wife and i were trying to find hotel information about a vacation site- and before she could finish typing her search query, my nexus 7 tablet had the information.
Mickey mouse
The 7 seemed superior in almost every way to me. YMMV.
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet?
by moshe ini received my nexus 7 tablet a week ago and have really been using it a lot.
i am still figuring what apps i need, like a file manager app.
one feature that is much appreciated is using voice navigation on google seaches with the native chrome browser- my wife and i were trying to find hotel information about a vacation site- and before she could finish typing her search query, my nexus 7 tablet had the information.
Mickey mouse
Nice deal. I got this one on Amazon
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet?
by moshe ini received my nexus 7 tablet a week ago and have really been using it a lot.
i am still figuring what apps i need, like a file manager app.
one feature that is much appreciated is using voice navigation on google seaches with the native chrome browser- my wife and i were trying to find hotel information about a vacation site- and before she could finish typing her search query, my nexus 7 tablet had the information.
Mickey mouse
I've not yet worked out how to make links clickable on this site on a tablet. I noticed iPad users have the same issue.
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet?
by moshe ini received my nexus 7 tablet a week ago and have really been using it a lot.
i am still figuring what apps i need, like a file manager app.
one feature that is much appreciated is using voice navigation on google seaches with the native chrome browser- my wife and i were trying to find hotel information about a vacation site- and before she could finish typing her search query, my nexus 7 tablet had the information.
Mickey mouse
Thanks for the Wifi drive tip. Flash works with Firefox beta - instructions here http://www.nkonecny.com/blog/2012/07/19/adding-flash-to-nexus-7/
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet?
by moshe ini received my nexus 7 tablet a week ago and have really been using it a lot.
i am still figuring what apps i need, like a file manager app.
one feature that is much appreciated is using voice navigation on google seaches with the native chrome browser- my wife and i were trying to find hotel information about a vacation site- and before she could finish typing her search query, my nexus 7 tablet had the information.
Mickey mouse
Yes I got one this week and love it. I know some people are concerned about storage capacity but I have rooted mine and intend to use a micro USB adapter to connect a pen drive when I want to watch movies. A 3G dongle should work with the same adapter on a rooted device.
Works well on JWN too, I never found way to post here on an iPhone after trying a number of workarounds.
subliminal pictures and the Watch Tower : a new proof !
by cedric1er in[url=http://www.imagup.com/data/1157716409.html][img]http://data.imagup.com/12/1157716409.gif[/img][/url].
Mickey mouse
My English songbook doesn't have Beeker in the inside cover. I feel cheated.